Thursday, December 30, 2010

December 30, 2010

When I created my last post, I never expected to lose another loved one in the month of December. However, I received a call on Monday, December 20th telling me my Dad passed away in his sleep. After getting the news, I was in shock. I had to drive over 2 hours to where my parents lived. I kept going in circles picking up things I thought I needed to pack. I called my cousin so she could take care of my cats and I called Scott so he knew. I wanted a big hug then. That would have to wait. We couldn't pack the Christmas gifts in the car so that would wait too. We arrived at their home and heard more details of what happened. There was no evidence of struggling or thrashing around as if it were a heart attack. We suspect a blood clot or an aneurysm but so glad he went in his sleep and at the home he loved so much.

Hug your loved ones. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I’ve been reading your posts and just wanted to share something? Please email me back. Thanks!

